71.   That the media and investment community in Asia have to go to such lengths to get information investors take for granted in developed countries is having disastrous consequences.

72.   The beautiful wife of Epimetheus fixated on the one thing forbidden, ultimately to disastrous consequence.

73.   The disproportionate arrest of Hispanics and blacks has decimated their communities with disastrous social consequences.

74.   The early fall rains revived the near-dormant plants with disastrous consequences.

75.   The morbid story is about a premature burial and its disastrous consequences to an entire family.

76.   The path not taken would have led to disastrous consequences.

77.   The traditional movie would then show the error of his ways, the disastrous consequences of rejecting the social compact.

78.   There have been no malpractice suits against any of the companies, nor have there been any out-of-court settlements for recommendations that had disastrous consequences.

79.   There is no shortage of rhetoric in Washington about the disastrous consequences of delay on the AIDS epidemic.

80.   They argued that recent evidence suggested a major quake close to a densely built-up city could have disproportionately more disastrous consequences.

a. + consequence >>共 493
serious 7.22%
unintended 6.14%
dire 5.47%
political 3.96%
possible 3.20%
disastrous 3.15%
economic 2.85%
long-term 2.48%
negative 2.21%
potential 1.86%
disastrous + n. >>共 429
consequence 8.64%
result 6.43%
start 4.58%
effect 3.40%
season 2.66%
flood 1.77%
year 1.55%
loss 1.55%
performance 1.55%
war 1.40%
每页显示:    共 116