71.   Leo also presented Tuesday the digital signature bill, which allows the digital verification of data or messages transmitted over a computer network.

72.   The bill outlaws cyber-crime, recognises advanced digital signatures, and offers protection to on-line consumers.

73.   The electronic cheque uses standard cryptographic techniques to create a digital signature.

74.   The laws cover intellectual property, digital signature, computer crime, distance learning, telemedicine and electronic government, he said.

a. + signature >>共 247
digital 11.18%
electronic 5.74%
collecting 4.53%
forged 3.02%
gathering 2.57%
chemical 2.11%
expected 1.96%
presidential 1.96%
new 1.81%
unique 1.81%
digital + n. >>共 1094
camera 8.39%
technology 5.54%
television 4.66%
signal 2.70%
music 2.24%
image 2.04%
service 1.80%
age 1.65%
phone 1.51%
subscriber 1.40%
signature 0.86%
每页显示:    共 74