71.   Sirens wailed in the morning, and demonstrators burned U.S., British and Israeli flags in front of a U.N. office in Baghdad.

72.   Six Israeli jeeps came under a hail of stones and demonstrators burned tires.

73.   Some threw bottles, tomatoes and an egg and one demonstrator burned an American flag atop a lamppost.

74.   Sirens wailed in the morning and demonstrators burned U.S., British and Israeli flags in front of a U.N. office in Baghdad.

75.   Taiwanese demonstrators burned Japanese Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto in effigy, and dozens of Chinese guards were posted outside the Japanese Embassy in Beijing.

76.   Student demonstrators burned their president in effigy and stormed Parliament, vowing not to leave the marble halls until Suharto resigned.

77.   The demonstrators burned American and Israeli flags as well as a tent symbolizing resettlement in what has become a routine scene in the camp.

78.   The demonstrators burned portraits of Jiang, and called on the Chinese leader to step down from his post.

79.   The demonstrators burned tires and lay down at road intersections, blocking traffic for hours all over the country.

80.   The demonstrators then burned a U.S. flag.

n. + burn >>共 691
fire 13.08%
protester 4.97%
demonstrator 4.05%
house 2.73%
mob 2.47%
candle 2.17%
flame 1.69%
youth 1.66%
rioter 1.58%
student 1.51%
demonstrator + v. >>共 528
be 4.34%
throw 3.92%
say 3.34%
burn 3.08%
march 2.83%
protest 2.58%
demand 2.52%
try 2.02%
gather 1.99%
block 1.96%
每页显示:    共 109