71.   Data show we are getting into so much trouble with our cars that governments at all levels are increasingly concerned.

72.   Data consistently show that the mainline Protestant denominations, historically white, upper-income, and well-educated, have been least successful in holding or attacting young adults.

73.   Data from elsewhere show that much of the net growth is due to an increase in foreign students on temporary visas.

74.   Despite Iraqi claims to the contrary, our data show heavy damage to their ability to wage war.

75.   Despite the Democratic criticism, polling data shows Bush with higher approval ratings than his predecessor, Bill Clinton, at this point in his young presidency.

76.   Data also show that the ice pack over the entire Arctic Ocean has in recent decades been shrinking in area and thickness.

77.   Data show that better-off families as a whole use private schooling in larger numbers than those less well off.

78.   Data show that the percentage of buyers choosing trucks is creeping closer and closer to half the new autos, up from less than a third a decade ago.

79.   Data showed Rocephin to be effective against the three different microbes most frequently responsible for the ear infections.

80.   Democrats and Republicans said the data showed a need to shore up Medicare.

n. + show >>共 854
poll 8.82%
study 6.33%
report 3.69%
survey 3.26%
test 2.46%
television 2.44%
record 2.43%
figure 2.26%
research 2.03%
result 1.61%
datum 1.16%
datum + v. >>共 404
be 27.19%
show 12.07%
suggest 5.96%
indicate 4.53%
come 2.45%
help 1.64%
provide 1.61%
include 1.61%
have 1.52%
confirm 1.37%
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