71.   The damage occurred during a routine test opening.

72.   The damage has occurred throughout Honduras.

73.   The fire damage occurred on the outside of the buildings.

74.   The most serious damage occurred in neighboring Nicaragua and Honduras.

75.   The station was unmanned at the time and minimal damage occurred before the fire was extinguished, police Lt. Ray Ruberg said.

76.   There were no injuries, but some property damage occurred.

77.   Vapor was released from the Ignalina nuclear power plant in Lithuania on Wednesday but no environmental damage occurred, according to plant officials.

78.   He said no material damage had occurred.

79.   The worst damage occurred in the North and South Hwanghae and Kangwon provinces and the area of Kaesong municipality.

80.   There were no reports of casualties and little damage occurred.

n. + occur >>共 919
incident 6.74%
accident 6.06%
attack 4.78%
explosion 4.08%
blast 2.84%
death 2.35%
shooting 2.24%
problem 1.82%
crash 1.75%
injury 1.56%
damage 0.53%
damage + v. >>共 190
be 64.15%
occur 4.31%
cause 2.05%
appear 2.00%
have 1.33%
take 1.13%
run 0.97%
result 0.87%
come 0.82%
go 0.82%
每页显示:    共 84