71.   Denied permission to cut the tree on city park property, he began stripping off pieces of bark, hoping it would die.

72.   Djamaludin said state timber firms would continue to cut trees which grow in areas designated for industrial forests or plantation areas.

73.   Guerrillas said they were cutting trees and planting mines along the roads leading into rebel territory in the southern Chiapas state.

74.   He said his ministry also was investigating developers who had cut trees, especially old trees, at building sites.

75.   If trees are cut or burned, the carbon is released back into the atmosphere.

76.   In November, a Broward County judge ordered crews to stop cutting healthy trees.

77.   In slash-and-burn farming, farmers cut trees on hillsides and plant various crops in the clearing, but leave the area open to soil erosion.

78.   Instead of slashing hills and cutting trees to build roads, bridges are less environmentally damaging.

79.   New roads have been paved to allow access for logging equipment and for newly cut trees to be exported, according to the report.

80.   Rosa cut trees in the forest that provided fuel for the ovens of the crematoriums and worked in a Nazi munitions factory.

v. + tree >>共 625
plant 8.78%
uproot 4.89%
hit 4.57%
climb 4.15%
cut 3.06%
fell 2.06%
remove 1.80%
cut_down 1.61%
save 1.58%
kill 1.51%
cut + n. >>共 936
cost 13.27%
tax 4.73%
rate 4.57%
price 3.88%
job 2.05%
production 1.70%
tie 1.68%
number 1.42%
deficit 1.17%
deal 1.15%
tree 0.52%
每页显示:    共 94