71.   Now, the Milosevic-created crisis has come full circle, returning to Kosovo.

72.   Soon, Rollason added, such distant crises will come home to richer nations.

73.   The A-Class crisis comes as Mercedes tries to expand its market in two directions.

74.   The commission member noted that the current crisis came about because Thais did not know how to follow their duties.

75.   The ascension of the two bankers-turned-politicians was the last hope of a desperate public that the economic crisis would come to a halt.

76.   The deepening crisis comes amid new political tensions in Mexico.

77.   The electoral crisis comes at a critical moment for Venezuela.

78.   The crisis came to a head last Wednesday when the West Indies Cricket Board fired superstar batsman Brian Lara as captain and Carl Hooper as vice-captain.

79.   The crisis came to a head last Wednesday when the West Indies Cricket Board fired superstar batsman Lara as captain and Hooper as vice-captain.

80.   The crisis comes one week after Kabila ordered all Rwandan soldiers out of his country without explanation.

n. + come >>共 1444
time 1.70%
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money 1.03%
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crisis 0.11%
crisis + v. >>共 514
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