71.   The Clinton administration was eager for vigorous action against Peru but few hemispheric countries shared that view.

72.   The countries share the Caribbean island of Hispaniola.

73.   The countries share the Caribbean island of Hispaniola, but Dominicans speak Spanish and Haitians speak Creole or French.

74.   The countries share the island of Hispaniola.

75.   The latter two countries share borders with Afghanistan.

76.   The new resolution is also likely to call on all countries to share intelligence about terrorism and implement all international conventions to curb terrorist acts.

77.   The new resolution is also likely to call on all countries to share intelligence about terrorism and to implement all international conventions to curb terrorist acts.

78.   The two countries both share a border with Afghanistan but have supported different factions within the war-torn country.

79.   The two countries share technology and also information about the kind of equipment a potential enemy has in its arsenal.

80.   The two countries share the Caribbean island of Hispaniola, and many Haitians seek work in the Dominican Republic.

n. + share >>共 1039
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country + v. >>共 779
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