71.   An envoy of Kurdish rebel leader Jalal Talabani is in Jordan to forge a cooperation agreement with a dissident faction seeking to topple Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.

72.   Ananiev renewed a defense cooperation agreement with Greece and announced that a Bulgarian unit would join the Stabilization Force in Bosnia under Greek command.

73.   AREBI chairwoman Cynthia G. Sonneville said the cooperation agreement, to be inked Saturday, was aimed at improving the skills of Indonesian brokers.

74.   At the same time, Moscow pulled out of a major cooperation agreement.

75.   At the summit, NATO signed a cooperation agreement with Ukraine setting out a special relationship similar to the one the Western alliance concluded with Russia in May.

76.   Atlantis is scheduled to dock with Mir seven times over the next three years under a U.S.-Russian space cooperation agreement.

77.   Bancomext said it will sign cooperation agreements with the Dominican Center For Export Promotion and the Office for the Promotion of Foreign Investment.

78.   Besides agreeing in principle to build the nuclear plant, they signed a cooperation agreement between the Central Bank of Russia and the Bank of China.

79.   Bosnia and Turkey signed a military cooperation agreement Thursday, but Turkish denied that meant a unilateral lifting of the arms embargo.

80.   Bosnia and Turkey signed a military cooperation agreement last month, but Turkey has denied that it means to ignore the arms embargo.

n. + agreement >>共 534
peace 24.36%
trade 7.80%
cooperation 4.36%
plea 3.24%
cease-fire 3.23%
budget 2.16%
autonomy 1.73%
confidentiality 1.69%
labor 1.57%
ceasefire 1.49%
cooperation + n. >>共 116
agreement 46.76%
accord 13.47%
pact 3.59%
deal 3.53%
treaty 3.53%
project 3.27%
minister 2.95%
program 2.57%
plan 1.28%
talk 1.03%
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