71.   It was only a mock bioterrorism scenario created last year around conference tables.

72.   John W. Thompson, the new chief executive of Symantec Corp. was hitting his conference table with the flat of his hand, his voice rising.

73.   Just a handful of advertising agency guys on one side of a conference table and a single network executive on the other.

74.   Just as everyone is cozying up around the enormous conference table, disaster strikes.

75.   Later, in his spacious office in the Austrian embassy, Moser took a seat at a small conference table and slowly sipped from a glass of water.

76.   Leah, a businesswoman whom Lyman first seduces across a conference table, is played by Selverstone with a combative veneer but the soul of a lonely sex kitten.

77.   Lindsay began her presentation inside a Dumpster, which had been placed next to a long conference table at which the officers of the association sat.

78.   Later, he moves to a conference table for a series of one-on-one meetings with aides.

79.   Major stood by his demand that the IRA at least begin to turn in its supposedly immense arms cache before Sinn Fein is allowed at the conference table.

80.   Lt. Gen. Raoul Cedras of Haiti and Lt. Gen. Hugh Shelton of the United States confronted each other across a conference table, not in the streets of Port-au-Prince.

n. + table >>共 525
kitchen 12.09%
picnic 6.89%
defense 6.20%
conference 5.75%
breakfast 3.28%
league 3.10%
card 2.77%
peace 2.35%
medal 1.71%
corner 1.68%
conference + n. >>共 437
committee 15.10%
room 11.42%
final 5.08%
game 4.27%
center 4.22%
table 3.68%
tournament 3.04%
participant 2.56%
hall 2.29%
organizer 2.16%
每页显示:    共 190