71.   It plans demonstrations in major cities and towns Monday when the population conference opens in Cairo.

72.   Mugabe, speaking as the conference opened, said such ventures would help to economically empower blacks, disadvantaged by colonialism.

73.   Soldiers were posted on roofs and all major roundabouts as army helicopters buzzed the Jordanian capital where the conference opens on Sunday.

74.   Soldiers were posted on roofs and at all the big roundabouts as army helicopters buzzed the Jordanian capital where the conference opens on Sunday.

75.   Sponsors have agreed to pledge around half a billion dollars, roughly in line with the amount requested by Palestinians, participants said before the conference opened.

76.   The conference opened with Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad including Palestinian suicide bombers in his simple definition of terrorists as people who attack civilians.

77.   The conference will officially open on Monday with speeches from Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali.

78.   The conference opened at Turin, Italy, at the end of March.

79.   The conference opens here Monday with speeches by Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and UN Secretary General Boutros-Boutros Ghali, a native Egyptian.

80.   The defence conference opened days after China and the Philippines were involved in a row off the South China Sea island chain.

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conference + v. >>共 461
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