71.   Our habeas jurisprudence has also been informed by a proper recognition of the affront to a state when federal courts conduct habeas review.

72.   Reports like this prompted the immigration service to conduct its review.

73.   Rescriptor is available in the U.S. and Canada under a special program while the FDA review is being conducted.

74.   She added that there is a small possibility that an ad agency review might be conducted once the merger is completed.

75.   Some lawyers say that, at the very least, the firm should have declined to conduct the review for Enron.

76.   Summers and the new provost, Steven Hyman, will soon conduct a review of interdisciplinary programs that should shed light on how to do this.

77.   The Alberta, Quebec and British Columbia securities commissions are also conducting reviews of their regulations and policies in an attempt to prevent another Bre-X scandal.

78.   The Bush administration is now conducting a review to determine its policy on antipersonnel mines.

79.   The Bush administration initially refused to continue the talks with North Korea, saying it needed to conduct a review.

80.   The attorney general said she has not decided whether the department or an outside party would conduct the review.

v. + review >>共 344
receive 7.31%
complete 6.01%
conduct 5.52%
get 4.68%
draw 3.15%
order 3.04%
pend 2.83%
mix 2.76%
write 2.27%
include 2.24%
conduct + n. >>共 390
test 8.60%
investigation 5.28%
study 5.02%
business 4.66%
research 4.00%
interview 3.79%
search 3.77%
survey 3.65%
trial 2.33%
experiment 2.18%
review 1.33%
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