71.   Made of concrete block, with a cantilevered roof, the house is designed to open and close, with pivoting concrete walls and sliding screens.

72.   Made of concrete blocks with a roof partly tin and partly thatch, the house has four tiny rooms with doors and linoleum floors.

73.   Mud tunnels are obvious on a poured concrete foundation, but they may be invisible on a fieldstone or concrete block foundation because the tunnels are inside these foundations.

74.   My own condenser has been on concrete blocks for two winters, and there has been no problem from expanding earth or heaving during those winters.

75.   Nearly half the students attend at least some of their classes in trailers set on concrete blocks, some in the softball outfield.

76.   Most terraces and decks, he said, are made of quarry tile, concrete paving blocks or wood.

77.   Now that concrete block walls are all that remain of his three-bedroom home, he also blames himself, not State Farm.

78.   Now that the wood has run out, the family warms themselves around an electric coil set in a concrete block.

79.   Now, I see lime leaching through the concrete blocks.

80.   One afternoon last week at Kauffman Stadium, construction workers stood on a scaffold and stacked concrete blocks behind left field.

a. + block >>共 663
concrete 9.65%
large 6.97%
trading 3.62%
entire 2.64%
same 2.64%
big 2.21%
huge 1.97%
whole 1.77%
square 1.54%
wooden 1.46%
concrete + n. >>共 878
wall 4.74%
floor 4.72%
block 4.54%
slab 4.35%
step 4.05%
action 3.00%
barrier 2.67%
evidence 2.67%
proposal 2.65%
result 2.41%
每页显示:    共 244