71.   Composed of individuals equipped to advance opinions on HCS proposals and without formal party political allegiances, it had no legislative powers.

72.   Its supporters claimed that such an Assembly, composed of members from all walks of life, would and act as a complementary institution which would advise Parliament.

73.   Rather, the market for foreign currency in London is composed of a number of international banks linked by electronic information screens such as Reuters.

74.   It was composed of a dignified and long-suffering mother, a seafaring father and their four children, who were clearly identifiable as Francisco Franco and his siblings.

75.   As the benches were composed of various judges there were no settled places for their courts.

76.   The screen is composed of an array of phosphor dots and these dots are arranged in the form of a matrix.

77.   Both MSS and TM images are composed of individual pixels.

78.   Instead they considered the solution to be composed of areas containing polymer which were separated by the solvent.

79.   More detailed approaches have been suggested, which introduce a three-dimensional composed of contributions from van der Waals dispersion forces, dipole-dipole interaction, and hydrogen bonding.

80.   The non-ionic gel stationary phase is commonly composed of crosslinked polystyrene or macroporous silica particles, which do not swell significantly in the carrier solvents.

v. + of >>共 1057
die 8.10%
speak 6.41%
complain 4.42%
talk 2.20%
lifting 1.82%
signing 1.78%
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say 0.97%
part 0.91%
be 0.86%
compose + p. >>共 32
of 82.23%
for 4.42%
in 4.20%
on 1.84%
with 0.96%
by 0.66%
during 0.66%
as 0.59%
at 0.52%
from 0.52%
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