71.   Under its aegis she was a longtime volunteer in the Head Start program, involving parents and marshaling community support.

72.   While investors seem to be siding with Wells, the San Francisco bank has had a harder time rallying community support in California.

73.   Among immigrants, Muslim groups have the most organized community support, the study said.

74.   Government officials Monday appealed for community support to help eradicate dangerous South American fire ants that have overrun the northeastern state of Queensland.

75.   He worked six months to obtain a visa, medical treatment, transportation, translators and raise community support for Sinanovic.

76.   However, a dramatic change in policy by the government in late August to deny entry for asylum seekers gained broad community support and pushed it ahead of Labor.

77.   In the intervening seven months, the mayor has not marshaled community support for his idea.

78.   Kirk organized community support for Manhattan Plaza, and responded to the high incidence of HIV and AIDS there by organizing the Manhattan Plaza AIDS project.

79.   Manitoba Premier Gary Filmon on Tuesday lauded the community support for the team.

80.   Meanwhile, Grizzlies owner Michael Heisley and general manager Billy Knight are pumping up community support with visits to Memphis.

n. + support >>共 673
child 10.72%
government 9.24%
life 8.15%
air 5.42%
majority 3.67%
fan 3.24%
run 2.60%
community 2.18%
customer 1.96%
voter 1.88%
community + n. >>共 844
leader 13.42%
service 9.46%
group 8.28%
activist 2.72%
organization 2.57%
member 1.99%
program 1.91%
project 1.88%
work 1.45%
support 1.28%
每页显示:    共 87