71.   When Muslim fundamentalists inspired by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini overthrew the Shah of Iran, one of their most powerful weapons was the cassette recorder.

72.   While Oscar hopefuls in Hollywood were donning designer togs and doing their hair, supporting actress nominee Rosemary Harris spent Monday in London tending to her video cassette recorder.

73.   Frantic relatives clambered over a tangled mess of radio cassette recorders, new clothes, shoes and broken shop mannequins, in an effort to find missing family members.

74.   Imports of radios and televisions doubled from the year before and those of video cassette recorders marked a fivefold increase, it said.

75.   After his arrest it turned that he had threatened to blow the plane with what turned out to be a broken cassette recorder and an electric razor.

76.   After his arrest it turned that he had threatened to blow the plane with a broken cassette recorder and an electric razor.

77.   Domestic exports of disk drives, integrated circuits, video cassette recorders and parts, and other electronic items led the decline.

78.   The technology will boost the storage capacity of portable computers, cellular telephones, digital cameras and cassette recorders.

79.   The system is compatible with traditional electronics, such as stereos, video cassette recorders and compact disk players.

80.   JVC said it expects digital products and video cassette recorders continuing to lead earnings growth.

n. + recorder >>共 73
flight 25.26%
datum 22.50%
voice 21.05%
cockpit 14.84%
cassette 5.80%
flight-data 1.38%
video-cassette 0.97%
event 0.76%
mission 0.55%
channel 0.28%
cassette + n. >>共 48
tape 46.25%
recorder 27.36%
sale 2.28%
box 1.95%
recording 1.63%
copy 1.30%
machine 0.98%
case 0.98%
collection 0.98%
compilation 0.98%
每页显示:    共 84