71.   By buying used books you can save money and read on your own schedule without having to worry about library late fines.

72.   Can you carpool or buy books on tape so the drive is less stressful?

73.   Certainly it defied the hysteria-prone Dostoyevsky, even as he bought books on fail-proof systems to break the bank.

74.   Choosing which books to buy automatically means many are left out of collections.

75.   Carter regularly buys books about the occult.

76.   Clicking on a link takes the customer directly to the store, where she can actually buy the book.

77.   Conservative Christians are full participants in the trend, buying books on how to incorporate Scripture into everything from running a business to losing weight.

78.   Consider buying a book about hardware.

79.   Does anyone actually buy a book because of the blurbs?

80.   Do some shopping while in Washington, buy some books, and put some money aside for college.

v. + book >>共 506
write 19.04%
read 9.46%
publish 5.88%
buy 2.95%
sell 2.20%
close 1.81%
have 1.56%
open 1.34%
promote 1.17%
ban 1.09%
buy + n. >>共 997
share 5.83%
stock 4.96%
ticket 3.22%
house 2.59%
dollar 2.54%
bond 1.95%
car 1.74%
company 1.61%
time 1.54%
product 1.44%
book 1.04%
每页显示:    共 302