71.   They said ATM machines, grocery store savings cards, and debit and credit cards, which benefit consumers, depend on sharing information.

72.   Transparency benefits consumers, who can compare prices, features, and quality.

73.   Underlying the principled rhetoric of their opponents, Bell and other proponents of lawyer advertising contend, is fear of price competition that would benefit the consumer.

74.   Utility specialists said that deregulation of the industry, intended to benefit consumers, caused uncertainty over future profits that kept private investment in new power sources low.

75.   What the CPUC should do is consider options that would truly benefit consumers.

76.   Whatever the legal merits may have been, resumption of the fight between Microsoft and Intuit is likely to benefit consumers.

77.   Whether the new deals will benefit consumers who saw two big rates increases last year remains to be seen.

78.   While many details are still to be worked out, the prospects seem to benefit the consumer.

79.   While the government plan should benefit consumers by making calls cheaper, it will deprive Telmex of some revenue, and Telmex stock has fallen from earlier this year.

80.   While lower prices benefit consumers, the benefits are achieved on the backs of people at the bottom of the economic pile.

v. + consumer >>共 523
protect 7.06%
benefit 3.92%
reach 3.44%
hurt 2.66%
help 2.59%
provide 2.05%
boost 1.91%
lure 1.81%
educate 1.67%
harm 1.53%
benefit + n. >>共 531
most 12.25%
company 4.98%
consumer 4.73%
people 3.70%
country 2.34%
child 1.73%
business 1.56%
investor 1.56%
side 1.48%
family 1.36%
每页显示:    共 114