71.   Access to this account was only available to Alexander Schalck-Golodkowski, former Secretary of State at the Foreign Trade Ministry.

72.   Capital markets are perfect in that there are no barriers to exit or entry and information is freely available to all.

73.   Not only is the future uncertain, but information about the present is not free and is not available to everyone.

74.   This procedure ensures that the information is available to those who need it and that they have a clear understanding of the problem.

75.   Assistance is only available to those who are able to bring relevant proceedings to court in their own right.

76.   A BUPACARE group scheme is available to all staff.

77.   This teaching should be available to every engineering student, in all disciplines.

78.   Advice and assistance in using the catalogues is freely available to all staff on request to Fred Penfold or Anne Elliot.

79.   However, all the above named newspapers are available to the public at a cost.

80.   Ensure sufficient power cable is available to suit layout of venue.

v. + available + to >>共 10
be 64.63%
make 32.05%
become 2.43%
remain 0.43%
break 0.14%
have 0.11%
leave 0.11%
discover 0.04%
keep 0.04%
want 0.04%
be + available + p. >>共 49
for 33.93%
to 13.55%
in 13.44%
on 9.78%
at 8.39%
from 7.51%
through 2.30%
by 1.67%
as 1.47%
until 1.32%
每页显示:    共 1800