71.   The crowd, too, arouses suspicion.

72.   The day after Newby died, Baldridge aroused suspicion.

73.   The decline aroused suspicions among many dairy farmers.

74.   The detention provision is aimed at people whose activities have aroused suspicions but who cannot be taken into custody or deported under existing law.

75.   The entire operation lasted more than two hours without ever arousing suspicions.

76.   The first time, they said, he had aroused so much suspicion at the gate that airline security and French police officers questioned him at length.

77.   The men, who appeared to the officer to be Middle Eastern in origin, apparently aroused suspicion because they seemed unfamiliar with the city.

78.   The PRI will police the balloting, which arouses instant suspicion in most Mexicans.

79.   The proposal aroused suspicions.

80.   Their suspicions were aroused after NATO intelligence experts warned that Serbian military forces do not generally travel in such long columns.

v. + suspicion >>共 235
raise 17.64%
arouse 9.88%
confirm 8.44%
have 5.75%
fuel 3.00%
report 2.25%
allay 2.13%
voice 1.88%
cast 1.75%
express 1.69%
arouse + n. >>共 169
suspicion 18.70%
interest 7.10%
concern 5.68%
opposition 4.62%
passion 3.91%
ire 3.31%
fear 3.31%
emotion 2.96%
anger 2.60%
curiosity 2.60%
每页显示:    共 157