71.   Novake was a Serb enclave surrounded by Albanian villages.

72.   On the horizon, black smoke rose slowly from Albanian villages abandoned since the Serbs launched their pincer attack Tuesday.

73.   On the horizon, black smoke rose slowly from Albanian villages abandoned since the Serbs launched a pincer attack Tuesday.

74.   One boasted of photos taken of burning Albanian villages but did not elaborate.

75.   One abandoned Albanian village after another has policemen living in it, sometimes just a few camping out in a damaged building, sometimes more.

76.   Residents of an ethnic Albanian village near Zegra told the Marines a gruesome story about people who had been herded into a building and murdered.

77.   Resisting a series of government offensives, the rebels remain entrenched there in a cluster of ethnic Albanian villages, together with a few thousand civilians.

78.   Rebels in the area told reporters they attacked the police in retaliation for government shelling of a nearby ethnic Albanian village.

79.   Serbian authorities say they have collected thousands of weapons from ethnic Albanian villages throughout Kosovo in recent weeks.

80.   Serbian forces shelled ethnic Albanian villages in Kosovo and Albania as NATO aircraft and missiles pounded targets in Yugoslavia for a second night, Britain says.

a. + village >>共 1042
remote 5.37%
nearby 5.10%
small 4.88%
surrounding 2.54%
entire 2.01%
palestinian 2.00%
home 1.95%
tiny 1.90%
rural 1.88%
neighboring 1.78%
albanian 1.31%
albanian + n. >>共 642
rebel 9.83%
leader 6.93%
refugee 3.96%
border 3.15%
militant 3.14%
source 2.39%
guerrilla 2.29%
government 2.12%
minority 2.08%
separatist 2.06%
village 1.26%
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