71.   An agreement was signed to promote co-operation on economic, cultural, scientific and technological issues.

72.   The agreement was, however, subject to ratification by member states.

73.   There was broad agreement that the NAM should seek to represent the interests of countries of the South, especially within the UN.

74.   Fuel would be sold to other CIS member states at free market prices if there were no regulatory agreements in place between these states and Russia.

75.   The agreement was to be ratified at the Bishkek summit.

76.   The defection of a frigate of the Fleet to Ukraine in July had fostered fears that no agreement would be forthcoming at Yalta.

77.   He pledged that any final agreement would be subject to a referendum.

78.   Not every agreement is such, even though it may constitute a moral obligation.

79.   In the absence of consideration the agreement is not a contract unless it is written and sealed, as with a deed.

80.   There was general agreement to this idea.

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agreement + v. >>共 391
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