71.   The administration still hopes to cut a deal before Clinton leaves office, but that remains wishful thinking.

72.   The administration also hopes to use the authority to push for lower trade barriers at the World Trade Organization and among some Pacific trading partners.

73.   The administration had hoped to begin the evacuation earlier, but Turkey resisted after pointedly refusing to endorse the latest American missile strikes at Iraq.

74.   The administration had hoped to negotiate amendments with the Russians that would permit the limited system now being developed, but Moscow has refused.

75.   The administration hoped that introducing a labeling standard acceptable to them might be a way out of the stalemate.

76.   The administration hoped to have the case dismissed.

77.   The administration hopes for a U.N. vote this week.

78.   The administration hopes to broker a direct Netanyahu-Arafat meeting on these pivotal territorial issues in the coming weeks.

79.   The administration is hoping it can shame the Republicans into softening the blow on social programs like Medicare and Medicaid.

80.   The administration is hoping to set up similar programs for other pollutants, and eventually for carbon-based gases as well.

n. + hope >>共 613
official 10.90%
company 8.02%
government 5.83%
leader 2.59%
administration 1.91%
organizer 1.91%
group 1.82%
investor 1.77%
scientist 1.66%
researcher 1.63%
administration + v. >>共 791
be 7.82%
say 5.67%
have 3.46%
take 2.29%
want 2.24%
try 1.81%
make 1.59%
seek 1.59%
oppose 1.53%
consider 1.45%
hope 1.28%
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