71.   Ashcroft said on Thursday that he planned to address these problems by breaking the immigration agency into two services, separating border enforcement from immigration processing.

72.   At a final news conference on Thursday, other bishops discussed the novelty of addressing problems together.

73.   As the number of identity-theft cases has grown, many companies and state governments have stepped in to address the problem.

74.   At first, Bobby Bonilla appeared to address the problem.

75.   At first, the tribes tended to address problems at home like poor housing, infrastructure and social services.

76.   At least one bill is before Congress to address the problem by redefining what is an unserved area.

77.   At the gathering with the caucus, Ashcroft said he hoped Congress would pass legislation to address the problem.

78.   At present, three big ideas to address that problem are being discussed among policy specialists.

79.   At issue was how to address the problems of specific populations, including gay men and prostitutes, in the document.

80.   At the time, the commission said it could better address the problem through case-by-case enforcement.

v. + problem >>共 361
have 22.63%
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pose 2.36%
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issue 13.86%
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question 3.32%
crowd 2.58%
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