71.   I think there is a funding ceiling that can keep artists at a certain level.

72.   If the premiums are higher than the actual Medicaid costs, National Heritage keeps the excess money up to a certain level.

73.   If the premiums are lower than the actual costs, the company must pay the extra costs up to a certain level.

74.   If they are vinyl-asbestos and contain a certain level of the carcinogen, they must be removed professionally, at considerable cost.

75.   I wanted to find out if I could play at a certain level again, and I wanted to make a good run at the Cup.

76.   If the asbestos is at a certain level, you can remove them yourself.

77.   If the noise registers above a certain level, the TV mute function of the emergency device is activated.

78.   In British Columbia, Idaho and Colorado, for example, rafting guides are certified by passing a test and meeting a requirement for a certain level of experience.

79.   In addition, the formulas protect wealthier districts from falling below a certain level of aid, forcing poorer districts to share a smaller pie.

80.   In addition, a dual compensation system, in which managers but not labor are rewarded by performance, adds to a certain level of resentment among employees.

a. + level >>共 586
high 10.25%
highest 6.88%
lowest 4.21%
low 4.18%
higher 4.15%
record 2.99%
current 2.92%
lower 2.79%
new 2.19%
same 2.15%
a 0.97%
a + n. >>共 1334
extent 5.61%
level 5.07%
age 2.85%
kind 2.78%
point 2.63%
time 2.24%
degree 2.20%
way 2.11%
charge 1.80%
percentage 1.55%
每页显示:    共 225