61.   He plans to eventually attend college and pursue a writing career.

62.   He sold newspapers on the street corners while developing his writing career.

63.   He sold newspapers on street corners while developing his writing career.

64.   His experience led to a writing career for the former naval architect.

65.   His suicide not only ended an accomplished writing career, but destroyed the myth of an ideal modern literary couple.

66.   In an earlier era, Weihui might have vanished into a labor camp or seen her writing career ruined.

67.   It was printed and his writing career began.

68.   She met her husband after starting her writing career, and says he knows how to cherish her talent.

69.   The Anglo-Irish author Lord Dunsany read it and seeing she had talent, encouraged her to take up a writing career.

70.   When I came out to L.A., I had notions of acting and wanted to get a writing career going.

a. + career >>共 592
political 8.68%
new 3.49%
long 3.44%
entire 3.41%
professional 3.12%
high 2.90%
successful 2.43%
acting 2.38%
playing 1.78%
second 1.76%
writing 0.69%
writing + n. >>共 427
style 4.34%
skill 3.81%
career 3.81%
program 3.55%
letter 3.39%
book 2.54%
song 2.33%
class 1.96%
fiction 1.43%
poetry 1.43%
每页显示:    共 72