61.   She has a wide smile on her face.

62.   Standing near the pizza table, Burger noticed Shenk, a muscular, thick-haired man with a wide smile and welcoming eyes.

63.   The blond hair, the wide smile, the easygoing personality that hides a toughness necessary to survive in the business world of college and professional football.

64.   The four judges, in traditional Cambodian style, greeted her with wide smiles and deep bows.

65.   The guy with the best stone face since Clint Eastwood busts out in a wide smile that envelops his whole face.

66.   The man with the cross greets them all with a wide smile, makes direct eye contact and enthusiastically shakes their hands.

67.   The strong jaw line and wide smile turning down at the edges were familiar.

68.   The topic brings a wide smile to his boyish face.

69.   Then one of the men flashed a wide smile.

70.   There was a wide smile on his face and an unmistakable excitement to his voice.

a. + smile >>共 734
big 6.19%
broad 4.15%
wide 3.17%
wry 2.64%
little 1.98%
easy 1.93%
warm 1.87%
slight 1.69%
shy 1.66%
small 1.60%
wide + n. >>共 485
range 22.46%
variety 9.11%
area 3.53%
margin 3.05%
open 2.96%
array 2.47%
support 2.05%
swath 1.31%
latitude 1.16%
power 1.07%
smile 1.03%
每页显示:    共 106