61.   And people want him to use his power in the world to pull our country out of the mud.

62.   And people will use that power.

63.   And they know that Selig knows what happens to commissioners who use their power in ways that those who gave it do not approve.

64.   And this spring, the airlines scored big when President George W. Bush invoked rarely used powers to block a threatened strike by airline employees.

65.   And they ask whether the routine Washington practice of using power in Congress to help out a constituent was in this case carried too far.

66.   And they were moving quickly to use those powers to frame issues and add new dimensions to the political debate.

67.   And we have used atomic power for peaceful purposes as well as to kill.

68.   Another challenge is that traditional cable systems generally use public power.

69.   Another trend is the decline in efforts by electric utilities to persuade their customers to use less power.

70.   And when Woods could use his power to his advantage, he did.

v. + power >>共 573
have 20.01%
take 4.91%
use 3.56%
seize 3.15%
lose 2.86%
share 2.65%
give 2.29%
restore 2.17%
wield 2.06%
hold 1.74%
use + n. >>共 1468
money 3.08%
force 2.34%
technology 1.42%
drug 1.21%
name 1.17%
computer 1.08%
fund 1.06%
proceeds 0.84%
information 0.74%
method 0.72%
power 0.71%
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