61.   Three police officers who questioned the prime minister Tuesday warned him that his deposition may be used to bring charges against him, the television said.

62.   Trains and tens of coaches were used to bring people in to vote in Bosnia.

63.   No carrot-and-stick approach was used to bring Bosnia back to the bargaining table, he said.

64.   Other foreign nationals have been extradited under the treaty, which is mainly used to bring US citizens jailed on drug charges in Thailand back home.

65.   Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin has warned that the full force of the law will be used to bring the settlers to order.

66.   The fate of the pilot or what weapon had been used to bring down the plane was not immediately known.

67.   The Mount Igman road is the only overland route into Sarajevo under government control but is also used to bring military supplies into the capital.

v. + bring >>共 262
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act 1.49%
exist 1.24%
use + v. >>共 1194
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treat 2.74%
help 2.61%
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