61.   But the union demanded reinstatement for all.

62.   But now the recession is past, and the unions are demanding a slice of the increasing company profits.

63.   But the unions are demanding the same pay and benefits along with the cuts.

64.   Employees have been protesting efforts to streamline the loss-making company, and workers unions have demanded pay hikes and guarantees they will not lose benefits.

65.   Four German unions on Tuesday demanded the incoming center-left coalition government roll back laws that extend working hours at banks and financial markets.

66.   Going into the talks Monday, public sector unions demanded that Juppe withdraw his plan and return to the drawing board.

67.   He wants unions not to demand excessive salary raises and private businesses and government to avoid strikes by negotiating with unions.

68.   Public-sector unions are demanding that Juppe rescind his entire austerity plan which largely targets public workers and is aimed at overhauling the indebted health and retirement system.

69.   Public-sector unions are demanding that Juppe withdraw his entire austerity plan aimed at overhauling the heavily-indebted health and retirement system.

70.   Solidarity national chairman Marian Krzaklewski told the rally that the union will demand that the government come up with solutions to help the workers.

n. + demand >>共 1253
group 3.60%
rebel 2.85%
government 2.78%
leader 2.77%
official 2.33%
protester 2.26%
union 1.94%
investor 1.90%
worker 1.79%
student 1.69%
union + v. >>共 801
say 10.57%
be 9.05%
have 3.63%
want 3.55%
call 2.22%
demand 1.82%
agree 1.63%
threaten 1.58%
make 1.22%
seek 1.17%
每页显示:    共 148