61.   But, so too has the Port Moresby side, with its attacks on unarmed civilians and its incursions into neighboring Solomon Islands territory.

62.   Crime has increased in Brazzaville as weapons from the war get used on unarmed civilians who lack a police force to call on for help.

63.   During a closed-door Security Council meeting Wednesday, U.S. Ambassador Madeleine Albright criticized Turkish troops, saying there was never any justification for shooting unarmed civilians.

64.   During the raids, police burned down a Tamil village and attacked unarmed civilians in eastern Sri Lanka, according to a Tamil politician.

65.   Ethnic Albanians claimed the police attacked unarmed civilians.

66.   Five unarmed civilians, including two children, were killed Sunday as soldiers fought with separatist rebels in the state of Jammu-Kashmir, police said.

67.   He detailed executions of ethnic Albanian school teachers, a negotiator, an editor and hundreds of unarmed civilians.

68.   Hastily trained by U.N. advisers, police have been implicated in several shootings of unarmed civilians.

69.   He denied allegations that troops shot unarmed civilians as they prayed in a village near the U.S.-owned Freeport copper mine.

70.   He said the defendants were found guilty of the attack that destroyed almost all the houses and left unarmed civilians dead.

a. + civilian >>共 410
israeli 8.90%
serb 8.03%
lebanese 7.21%
innocent 5.92%
palestinian 4.32%
tamil 3.59%
unarmed 3.22%
albanian 3.15%
killing 2.84%
muslim 2.54%
unarmed + n. >>共 170
civilian 13.47%
man 12.78%
observer 7.87%
police 5.21%
villager 3.44%
monitor 3.24%
immigrant 2.85%
guard 2.56%
demonstrator 2.56%
people 2.16%
每页显示:    共 136