61.   Rempel also is analyzing the mechanics of a particularly troublesome cumulative trauma injury, carpal tunnel syndrome.

62.   Repetitive work causes strains and carpal tunnel syndrome.

63.   Researchers say that training typists to keep their hands in the position that places the least strain will reduce and perhaps eliminate the problem of carpal tunnel syndrome.

64.   Robertson also told the jury of five women and three men that IBM knew its keyboards caused problems such as tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome and radial tunnel syndrome.

65.   Several Stanwood clients have said their stress injuries and carpal tunnel syndrome cleared up once he reworked their pianos.

66.   She later found out she had carpal tunnel syndrome.

67.   She kneads her hands constantly to relieve the pain of carpal tunnel syndrome.

68.   Several informative books have been written about carpal tunnel syndrome and other repetitive stress disorders.

69.   Shortly after starting work on a Toyota assembly line, Williams developed carpal tunnel syndrome, a painful repetitive stress injury, in her arms.

70.   Some come from as far as Albany looking for relief for the repetitive motion disorder known as carpal tunnel syndrome.

n. + syndrome >>共 207
tunnel 17.93%
fatigue 12.61%
stress 10.49%
bowel 9.12%
war 1.67%
baby 1.52%
gulf 1.37%
leg 1.37%
pain 1.22%
death 0.91%
tunnel + n. >>共 151
syndrome 20.31%
operator 8.78%
entrance 8.26%
project 5.51%
wall 3.79%
complex 2.07%
train 1.38%
system 1.38%
opening 1.38%
accident 1.20%
每页显示:    共 117