61.   Many oppose the troop pullout stipulated in the Israeli-Palestinian autonomy agreements.

62.   Milosevic told a European Union delegation Thursday that he had called off the offensive but made no mention of any troop pullout from Kosovo.

63.   Meanwhile, Jewish settlers stepped up a campaign to try and prevent a troop pullout.

64.   NATO officials said they would not be negotiating, but setting out terms for the troop pullout.

65.   Negotiators in Grozny are expected to draw up a timetable on troop pullouts on Monday.

66.   No date has been given for a troop pullout from the area in northern Bolivar State where the rebel sanctuary would be created.

67.   NATO officials said they would not be negotiating, but setting out detailed terms for the troop pullout from Kosovo.

68.   Negotiators are to reach a deal on the scope of a third and final interim Israeli troop pullout from the West Bank.

69.   On Saturday, Maj. Gen. Vladimir Lazarevic appealed to NATO to suspend the bombing so the troop pullout could proceed.

70.   Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a secret meeting with a Syrian representative to discuss a possible Israeli troop pullout from Lebanon, a newspaper reported Thursday.

n. + pullout >>共 23
troop 77.58%
army 8.48%
rebel 1.82%
advertiser 0.61%
artillery 0.61%
auto 0.61%
company 0.61%
factory 0.61%
force 0.61%
four-page 0.61%
troop + n. >>共 332
withdrawal 23.78%
movement 13.79%
pullback 8.30%
deployment 5.46%
redeployment 3.38%
pullout 3.33%
reinforcement 2.84%
presence 2.71%
strength 1.98%
buildup 1.46%
每页显示:    共 127