61.   All the evidence suggests that globalization is in the interests of America and of its trading partners.

62.   But anti-dumping rules too often amount to protectionism, shutting out legitimate exports and provoking trading partners to retaliate.

63.   But both those cases involve large trading partners, in which the United States holds a tremendous economic stake.

64.   But for the past seven years US administrations have been hobbled in their ability to act decisively in negotiations with trading partners around the world.

65.   But its natural trading partners in the region do have them.

66.   But Japan is also a longtime trading partner, and the steel shipments continue.

67.   But Hong Kong is tiny, and cannot run a monetary policy independent of that of its trading partners.

68.   But King Hussein has cooled relations with Baghdad and Saddam may feel he must turn to Turkey, and its new Islamic controlled government, as a trading partner.

69.   But no Western leader is closer to Yeltsin than Kohl and Germany is an important trading partner.

70.   But now the United States sometimes finds itself on the other side of the fence, fighting with trading partners about the safety standards for their imports.

a. + partner >>共 537
trading 9.55%
new 3.77%
foreign 3.56%
former 2.73%
potential 2.69%
major 2.41%
managing 2.31%
the 2.17%
local 2.06%
general 2.02%
trading + n. >>共 726
partner 10.53%
volume 7.16%
day 5.58%
system 4.28%
company 4.04%
floor 3.14%
house 3.01%
session 2.98%
deadline 2.94%
activity 2.74%
每页显示:    共 960