61.   The two then got back together last Wednesday in Boston for daily therapy sessions.

62.   They also have to learn, through prolonged reflection, the writing of autobiographies and weekly therapy sessions, to master themselves and their emotions.

63.   They were told to act out their deepest fears in theatrical therapy sessions.

64.   To further complicate matters, professionals may truly differ on how many such therapy sessions are enough.

65.   To get to this point, you wade through what at times resembles the transcript of a deep therapy session.

66.   Tuesday, Thomas, who had planned to walk again, died suddenly in a hospital while going for a therapy session.

67.   Veronica must have had quite a first therapy session when her brilliant psychiatrist pointed out a certain link between her father and her choice of spouse.

68.   Users of LSD and many psychiatrists who have used the drug in therapy sessions say that these kinds of effects provide a window into the human unconscious.

69.   Winer said Rahn began a sexual relationship with Lowinger after their third therapy session.

70.   A former Elan student and worker, Dan Benison, claimed Skakel had talked about the murder during a therapy session, Sutton investigators said.

n. + session >>共 665
morning 11.37%
practice 10.52%
court 4.95%
parliament 3.14%
strategy 2.85%
photo 2.81%
therapy 1.68%
marathon 1.60%
two-day 1.39%
interview 1.39%
therapy + n. >>共 118
session 16.98%
experiment 6.92%
group 6.71%
program 5.66%
trial 5.24%
research 3.35%
study 2.52%
dog 2.31%
company 2.10%
product 1.89%
每页显示:    共 80