61.   Tensions flared in the Taiwan Strait when Taiwanese President Lee Teng-hui referred to China and Taiwan as separate states recently.

62.   Tensions flared this week along the front line between Armenian and Azerbaijani troops, upsetting a lull in the seven-year war between the two former Soviet republics.

63.   Tensions flared to Miami-Dade County, where officials began a hand count that could drag into December.

64.   Tensions flared when dozens of people lining up to sign a condolence book at the palace were turned back.

65.   The city was quiet for a time Wednesday night, but tensions eventually flared again.

66.   The protracted dispute took its toll on Capitol Hill, where tensions flared among top party leaders.

67.   Those tensions flared in Bonn, Germany, where Afghan factions were meeting to work out a mechanism to create a new government for their war-ravaged nation.

68.   When tensions between India and Pakistan flared this past fall, Powell traveled to the region to urge restraint.

69.   While sectarian tensions sometimes flare into violence, Hindus and Muslims have lived side by side in Janta Nagri for centuries.

70.   In recent weeks, tensions have flared over the resettlement of Moslems in the ostensibly Serb-controlled areas.

n. + flare >>共 167
temper 20.34%
violence 19.09%
tension 11.14%
trouble 5.23%
protest 2.27%
clash 1.70%
dispute 1.59%
controversy 1.48%
anger 1.36%
nostril 1.25%
tension + v. >>共 336
be 25.81%
rise 8.97%
remain 6.71%
mount 4.73%
run 3.16%
increase 2.86%
ease 2.74%
escalate 2.49%
flare 2.42%
grow 2.37%
每页显示:    共 97