61.   Studio executives, who acknowledge that the technology will change their business, are not so sure that it will make them as irrelevant as some filmmakers might hope.

62.   Speakers elaborated on how new wireless technologies would dramatically change the way we live, work and relate to each other.

63.   Technologies change so fast that they become obsolete before they mature.

64.   Technology changes everything.

65.   Technology changes very often.

66.   Technology has changed all that.

67.   Technology is changing or eliminating many production jobs.

68.   Technology changed, but not the recipes.

69.   Technology has changed recruiting in other ways, too.

70.   Technology is changing the world we live in, faster and faster.

n. + change >>共 1254
thing 7.88%
time 3.56%
life 1.84%
situation 1.73%
world 1.66%
company 1.42%
attitude 1.38%
government 1.31%
rule 1.00%
people 0.88%
technology 0.83%
technology + v. >>共 637
be 22.65%
make 5.60%
allow 4.34%
have 3.41%
help 2.79%
change 2.40%
become 2.27%
improve 2.19%
come 1.44%
enable 1.39%
每页显示:    共 127