61.   McGwire showed his tenacity one night during the tournament, during which the team stayed in an old Army barracks at the Veterans Administration hospital.

62.   Most teams stay away from throwing at Williams.

63.   No, what the Yankees have is rare, which is why so few teams ever stay so dominant for more than a year or so.

64.   Nearly half said they wanted the team to stay in New York.

65.   No team can stay the same forever.

66.   No team stays this hideous forever.

67.   No, the team should stay where it is because Yankee Stadium is a big part of what makes New York more than lines on a map.

68.   Normally, the team would stay out on the floor for the national anthem and the start of the game.

69.   On the road, at least in the first round, his team has stayed in downtown hotels in Pittsburgh.

70.   One team of runners staying here, the Kenyans, is favored to win the distance event and has a huge corporate sponsorship.

n. + stay >>共 1988
people 3.46%
team 2.11%
investor 1.99%
family 1.55%
player 1.49%
troop 1.36%
child 1.28%
price 1.14%
man 1.14%
worker 1.09%
team + v. >>共 713
be 14.38%
have 8.12%
play 3.81%
win 2.60%
go 2.11%
make 1.72%
say 1.59%
do 1.49%
meet 1.47%
lose 1.43%
stay 0.40%
每页显示:    共 183