61.   Agassi appeared in a hurry during changeovers, tapping his feet and looking eager to close out the match.

62.   Bush seemed confident in Arkansas, grinning and tapping his foot to the rockabilly music at the rally.

63.   Bush seemed tense, sitting straight in a wing-backed armchair, his hands clasped in his lap as he rubbed his thumbs and tapped his foot.

64.   During the Sunday evening service, a policeman at the door tapped his feet in time to the music and perused a religious tract someone had handed him.

65.   He then sat sidesaddle on an amplifier, tapping his foot to gospel music played by a student quartet.

66.   The girls refused to dance, which was expected, but they seemed to have a good time anyway - clapping in rhythm and tapping their feet.

67.   The Queen clearly enjoyed the military parade and tapped both feet in time with the music.

68.   He tapped his feet and flapped his arms when musicians clad in the traditional dress of the first French settlers to this eastern region of Canada played.

v. + foot >>共 447
drag 13.51%
set 12.62%
have 4.25%
put 3.85%
get 2.43%
keep 2.37%
break 2.23%
stamp 2.20%
plant 2.14%
put_down 2.05%
tap 1.97%
tap + n. >>共 497
phone 6.79%
telephone 4.85%
market 4.72%
ball 4.46%
foot 4.40%
fund 2.52%
reserve 1.62%
finger 1.49%
resource 1.29%
source 1.29%
每页显示:    共 68