61.   Mallon, a two-time winner this year, never got a chance to swing a club.

62.   On Friday, angry protesters broke into and ransacked offices in Parliament and were beaten back by police swinging clubs.

63.   On Friday, angry protesters ransacked offices in Parliament and were beaten back by police swinging clubs.

64.   On Wednesday, police swung clubs to disperse hundreds of Erdogan supporters protesting the verdict in downtown Istanbul.

65.   Once en route, he began screaming, swinging the club and threatened the pilot with the knife, forcing him to turn the plane back.

66.   Pregnancy does take a toll on the art of swinging a club.

67.   Police swinging wooden clubs and firing tear gas halted a student march to the parliament on Thursday, blocking efforts to support legislators campaigning for more freedom in Kenya.

68.   Protesters began trying to knock down barriers set up around the building and police responded by swinging their clubs, the AGI and ANSA news agencies reported.

69.   Serb forces pressed their campaign against separatist rebels in the Kosovo countryside, while police swinging clubs beat protesters at an independence rally in the provincial capital.

70.   Swinging clubs, police waded into the crowds, separating anti-and pro-government groups and shielding Milosevic supporters.

v. + club >>共 637
join 8.50%
leave 5.64%
swing 2.68%
use 2.36%
run 2.04%
have 1.82%
lead 1.66%
sell 1.46%
rejoin 1.46%
take 1.43%
swing + n. >>共 277
bat 20.68%
club 7.55%
arm 3.60%
leg 3.15%
way 2.88%
stick 2.52%
voter 2.16%
vote 1.98%
ball 1.89%
baton 1.89%
每页显示:    共 84