61.   The general has reneged on previous promises to surrender power.

62.   The government of Conservative Prime Minister John Major faces a vocal anti-EU faction in its own ranks and is not eager to surrender powers to Brussels.

63.   The gathering would launch a democratic government in exile if the military failed to surrender power by next January, as Abacha originally promised, speakers said.

64.   The Labor government stepped down just over a year ago after a disappointing national election, and surrendered power to the coalition.

65.   The rebels insist Mobutu must resign now and surrender power to a transitional authority led by Kabila, or face a rebel attack on Kinshasa.

66.   The rebels insist Mobutu resign now and surrender power to a transitional authority led by Kabila.

67.   The report says the bank should surrender power to supervise financial institutions to a new agency and instead focus on doing a better job on monetary and exchange policy.

68.   The spokesman said that Wahid felt that some proposals for him to become a figurehead leader and surrender executive power to Vice President Megawati Sukarnoputri were also unconstitutional.

69.   The United States negotiated for the military to surrender power and led a multinational intervention that restored Aristide in October.

70.   The United States led a multinational intervention that forced the soldiers to surrender power and restored Aristide in October.

v. + power >>共 573
have 20.01%
take 4.91%
use 3.56%
seize 3.15%
lose 2.86%
share 2.65%
give 2.29%
restore 2.17%
wield 2.06%
hold 1.74%
surrender 0.42%
surrender + n. >>共 372
weapon 16.27%
passport 5.88%
arm 4.98%
power 4.50%
control 3.54%
run 2.82%
suspect 2.58%
goal 2.52%
hit 1.98%
gain 1.86%
每页显示:    共 75