61.   The suit seeks class-action status on behalf of farmers.

62.   The suit seeks compensatory, equitable and punitive damages.

63.   The suit seeks damages stemming from charges ranging from racial conspiracy to assault and battery and emotional distress.

64.   The suit seeks the return of the money invested, plus interest, as well as an unspecified amount of fines.

65.   The suit seeks to be certified as a class action lawsuit.

66.   The suit seeks to compel the government to fix the century-old trust fund system set up to manage money earned from Indian-owned land.

67.   The suit seeks to extend the principle of equal protection to people who might benefit from the use of medicinal marijuana.

68.   The suit seeks to fine Davis and to ban him permanently from representing unions.

69.   The suit seeks triple damages under the federal anti-racketeering law.

70.   The suit seeks unspecified actual and punitive damages for lost wages and emotional distress.

n. + seek >>共 771
government 5.93%
company 5.37%
prosecutor 3.10%
official 3.02%
investor 2.69%
administration 2.17%
police 2.09%
group 2.01%
authority 1.80%
suit 1.68%
suit + v. >>共 364
be 19.18%
say 8.15%
seek 7.11%
allege 6.98%
claim 3.56%
have 3.39%
contend 3.33%
accuse 3.03%
pend 2.80%
name 2.77%
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