61.   Moore studies film of the opposing player as ambitiously as he studies a political science textbook.

62.   My wife, Melissa, makes me study film now.

63.   Offensive coaches study game film and discuss what, if any, changes need to be made, he said.

64.   She studied film at the University of California at Berkeley, where she was valedictorian of the Interdisciplinary Department.

65.   Since Stevens had studied film at UCLA, he was enlisted to make campaign commercials.

66.   She also took acting class, directed school plays and finally begged her mother for permission to go to New York to study film.

67.   So McDaniel will put in time studying game film and consulting the diary he keeps on receivers.

68.   Special effects have come a long way since Robert Zemeckis was studying film at USC.

69.   Still, as prizes go, filmmakers covet an Oscar because it means more people will see the movie, and that students and professionals will study the film.

70.   Studying films of the Giants, they had noticed Brown would often kick out of certain formations.

v. + film >>共 851
make 11.22%
watch 6.26%
see 4.84%
show 4.48%
shoot 2.84%
produce 2.62%
direct 2.54%
release 2.26%
study 1.62%
distribute 1.28%
study + n. >>共 873
issue 3.58%
way 2.85%
possibility 2.50%
proposal 2.20%
law 2.06%
effect 1.78%
problem 1.34%
art 1.30%
history 1.19%
report 1.16%
film 0.99%
每页显示:    共 98