61.   Mobs trashed a police trailer used as a mobile command center in southern Harare, where two food stores were attacked and looted and cars were stoned.

62.   Monday night, settlers from other West Bank towns converged on nearby Palestinian towns, stoning cars and firing bullets from afar.

63.   Muslims stoned cars of traditionally Roman Catholic Croats.

64.   Nairobi University students joined in, blocking the roads, stoning passing cars and burning a Kenyan flag before police dispersed them.

65.   On Friday, Aristide supporters also shut down the capital, stoning cars and threatening more violence if election results were not published.

66.   Ogata said the situation had worsened since Zairian mobs stoned the cars of foreign aid workers on Friday.

67.   Police have detained eight Arab protesters on suspicion they stoned cars and set fire to police vehicles.

68.   Police fired tear gas at the youths, who also stoned cars.

69.   Police spokesman Eric Bar-Chen said the settlers stoned the car of two American tourists who were taking pictures of them.

70.   Rioting, which started Monday, spread across the southern and western suburbs Tuesday with protesters stoning cars and trashing suburban shops.

v. + car >>共 652
drive 6.53%
stop 3.48%
buy 3.32%
park 3.16%
sell 3.06%
steal 2.68%
damage 2.25%
have 1.92%
hit 1.64%
use 1.61%
stone 0.73%
stone + n. >>共 115
car 19.93%
soldier 9.79%
bus 8.72%
vehicle 8.54%
police 7.65%
troop 6.58%
convoy 1.60%
building 1.60%
man 1.42%
shop 1.25%
每页显示:    共 111