61.   Horton dismisses any notion that his students are being bribed to stay in school.

62.   I could stay in and get drunk.

63.   I had a mania for cleanliness, and once made him stay in all day while I washed all his clothes.

64.   I had to encourage him to keep up some golf and a regular exercise program in order to stay in shape.

65.   I had to stay in bed most of that weekend and it stopped being a treat and started to get really boring.

66.   I have since then stayed in as close touch as seems safe.

67.   I like to stay in close contact with my parents.

68.   I need to find somewhere to stay in London.

69.   I stay in as much as I can, even in hot sunny weather.

70.   I stay in bed, mostly at home, with weekly visits from a doctor and a nurse who gives me shots.

v. + in >>共 995
live 3.94%
say 2.38%
remain 2.16%
be 1.95%
kill 1.91%
work 1.82%
base 1.78%
use 1.69%
die 1.53%
stay 1.52%
stay + p. >>共 74
in 40.80%
with 12.21%
on 9.11%
at 8.93%
out_of 6.47%
for 4.15%
behind 2.84%
off 1.61%
within 1.33%
up 1.31%
每页显示:    共 11282