61.   Several TV stations also air programs advocating the Shariat, or strict Islamic laws.

62.   The ban comes a week after a private radio station aired an interview with a rebel commander who was rumored to have been killed.

63.   The bill passed Monday said private stations can air their own news so long as they also run news supplied by the state stations.

64.   The government is accused of targeting the media owner because his station aired reports linking the military to torture and corruption.

65.   The radio station is currently airing a most comprehensive series on Schubert, his life and his works.

66.   The station aired the tape recently.

67.   The station aired only comments likely to inflame Arab passions in promotional spots leading up to the subsequent airing of the full interview.

68.   The station airs numerous Chinese martial arts shows during prime time on weekdays.

69.   The station airs programs ranging from documentaries to art performances.

70.   The station has aired several stories that have angered the military.

n. + air >>共 217
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station + v. >>共 691
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