61.   But London analysts warned that this hike was illusory, adding that the market would tumble by two dollars at the slightest hint of an agreement in New York.

62.   Palestinians entered hospitals with the slightest hint of cholera symptoms and avoided buying vegetables as fear of the contagious disease spread here Thursday.

a. + hint >>共 227
first 15.04%
slightest 6.86%
helpful 6.08%
strong 5.53%
only 5.09%
tantalizing 2.65%
broad 2.43%
subtle 2.21%
merest 1.77%
mere 1.44%
slightest + n. >>共 318
hint 6.82%
bit 5.83%
sign 3.74%
movement 3.30%
provocation 2.31%
idea 2.09%
change 1.87%
interest 1.87%
thing 1.87%
touch 1.76%
每页显示:    共 62