61.   Signs of progress emerged Friday from the latest round of cease-fire talks between Chechen and Russian officials, and fighting appeared to diminish despite scattered clashes.

62.   Signs are emerging that Russia is experiencing a backlash against economic and political reforms.

63.   Still, the signs of stress emerge.

64.   The government had said signs were emerging in recent months that the downturn is bottoming out, mainly lifted by exports.

65.   The Federal Reserve warned last month that it will raise interest rates if signs of an overheating economy emerge.

66.   The government has said signs are emerging in recent months that the downturn is bottoming out, mainly lifted by exports.

67.   The latest figures show the New Zealand economy growing at a moderate rate, although signs are emerging that the expansion is slowing as the global economy slows.

68.   Thomas A. Renyi, chairman and chief executive, said in a statement that some positive economic signs were emerging.

69.   Those signs emerged Sunday when Yugoslav Deputy Premier Vuk Draskovic urged the government to admit it cannot defeat NATO.

70.   Turkish fighter jets on Friday flew sorties and soldiers skirmished with Kurdish rebels operating in northern Iraq, and signs emerged of a long campaign.

n. + emerge >>共 1575
detail 2.37%
evidence 2.28%
pattern 1.97%
sign 1.65%
picture 1.46%
report 1.44%
leader 1.41%
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difference 1.29%
problem 1.29%
sign + v. >>共 417
be 78.35%
point 1.84%
emerge 1.13%
come 0.96%
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