61.   Shortly after the rally, gunmen opened fire on two settler enclaves.

62.   Soldiers would only remain to guard the settler enclaves.

63.   The army said the soldiers were guarding the Jewish settler enclave of Beit Romano in downtown Hebron when the Palestinian approached.

64.   The committee has been overseeing the renovation of several Arab homes in the old city of Hebron, including near settler enclaves.

65.   The committee has been overseeing the renovation of several Arab homes in the old city of Hebron, including some near settler enclaves.

66.   The army said the incident began when a Palestinian broke into a home in the Jewish settler enclave of Tel Romeida in downtown Hebron on Thursday evening.

67.   The attack took place in the divided city of Hebron, which is controlled by the Palestinian Authority, except for some Jewish settlers enclaves in the city center.

68.   The group toured Jewish sites in Hebron, including the ancient Jewish cemetary and some of the settler enclaves.

69.   The incident began Tuesday when Jewish settlers threw stones at Palestinian workers renovating Shuhada Street, a downtown thoroughfare that passes by two settler enclaves.

70.   The Palestinians also hurled some stones toward the Jewish settler enclave of Beit Hadassah.

n. + enclave >>共 81
border 37.62%
self-rule 21.06%
government 11.66%
settler 11.26%
mountain 1.85%
rebel 1.59%
tourist 0.66%
loyalist 0.53%
security 0.53%
east 0.40%
settler + n. >>共 153
leader 28.89%
enclave 8.53%
spokesman 8.53%
compound 5.32%
movement 3.91%
group 2.51%
source 2.41%
community 2.11%
woman 1.91%
protest 1.50%
每页显示:    共 85