61.   Jewish settlers, in a defiant move against a government freeze on settlement expansion, began breaking ground Thursday for a new neighborhood in the West Bank.

62.   Jayyous, West Bank -- Demonstration against settlement expansion.

63.   Klima arrived in Israel just two days after an ill-fated visit by British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook who angered his hosts by demanding that Israel stop Jewish settlement expansion.

64.   Land from the Arab Artas and neighboring Al-Khader in the Bethlehem area, which border the Efrat settlement, has been confiscated for the settlement expansion.

65.   Meeting Netanyahu in Jerusalem on Sunday, U.S. envoy Martin Indyk criticized settlement expansion and called it an obstacle to peace.

66.   Mouasher, who met with Netanyahu in Jerusalem earlier this week, has said serious differences have arisen between Jordan and Israel over the planned settlement expansion.

67.   Netanyahu will push ahead with settlement expansion.

68.   Netanyahu has not given any sign he will soften his hard-line positions, including his refusal to negotiate the future of Jerusalem and his support for Jewish settlement expansion.

69.   Netanyahu opposes Palestinian statehood and supports Jewish settlement expansion.

70.   Netanyahu backs settlement expansion in principle.

n. + expansion >>共 276
settlement 19.65%
business 9.58%
airport 2.74%
capacity 2.49%
credit 1.99%
year 1.74%
trade 1.62%
plant 1.24%
market 1.24%
facility 1.12%
settlement + n. >>共 296
talk 10.81%
construction 7.86%
expansion 5.49%
agreement 5.29%
activity 5.11%
building 3.44%
negotiation 3.16%
plan 2.89%
money 2.78%
proposal 2.75%
每页显示:    共 157